Become a Foster
Why Foster?
When you decide to foster, you allow us to take in more animals and help them find a home! Since we do not have a shelter, we rely on our fosters to help our pets find their furever homes.
We know that the pets our fosters meet gain special places in their hearts and it’s hard to see them go, it is still incredibly rewarding! You get to watch a pet’s personality come out and you get to watch them go to their forever family, who will give them the best life! Then, you can do it all over again if you decide that you want to continue fostering with us!
There is absolutely no cost for you to foster and there is no commitment to owning a pet.
Without our fosters, we can’t save animals! Help us save lives and help give animals a chance at a better life.
What does a foster parent do?
Foster parenting is a wonderful way to enjoy the love and attention of an animal without making a permanent commitment. Because we don’t have a permanent facility, A Better Life – Pet Rescue foster program is one of the most crucial elements of our rescue organization. By taking an animal into your home, you are allowing it to become accustomed to a safe and loving home life. Although we can’t guarantee how long it will take to find the animal a home, the average is three weeks, however it could be as little as a few days or as much as a few months. If at any time you would like to discontinue fostering, you are always given the option to stop.
Do I get to choose which animal I want to foster?
When we rescue a dog we try to place them in a home that will be a match. After all, you are opening your home up to a dog you do not know. We want it to be as smooth as possible for all involved. We ask our foster homes to be open minded and realize that the dog needs some time to adjust. Once they do, they will feel safe and settled in and work their way into your heart.
But how will the animal find a permanent home if it is living with me?
We advertise on Petfinder and our web site and we have had a 100% success rate. All inquirers for a specific dog must fill out an application. Once it is approved, we do an initial home visit. We would need to get the dog from the foster home to bring it to a potential adopter. We would work with your schedule so we could go pick up the dog to bring it to the visit.
I don’t think I could be a foster parent, I’d become too attached.
We feel the same. You will be helping us rescue animals in need, animals that have been thrown away by previous owners or ones that have never know the joy of running after a toy; ones that are sick and in need of rehabilitation. You will discover and love each of their individual personalities and grow to love them as we do. It will take some time to adjust once your foster dog has gone to its new forever home. But nothing compares to the feeling of watching their new owner shower them with kisses and love and know that you had a hand in saving a life. Foster parenting is an integral part of the process and we can only tell you that it is one of the most rewarding things around and the reason we all work tirelessly to make it happen!
What if the animal I am fostering doesn’t work out for me?
If at any time the fit of the animal in your care is not working for you, we will be happy to take the animal back and try a different animal in its place. Just like people, animals all have different personalities and our goal is to help find the right animal for your situation. Most of the time the dog needs some settling in time but we always want our foster homes to feel they can communicate with us.
Is there a limit to the number of animals I can foster?
Our priority is that the animals receive the best care possible and are introduced to a loving environment where they can grow and become accustomed to new situations. Each situation is evaluated and then we determine how many animals it is practical to have in your care. We don’t want to overburden our foster families and also want to be sure our animals and possibly your own, are all receiving the care and love they deserve.
Do I have to pay for food for animals in my care?
We provide the food, bowls and any other necessities needed for fostering (toys, treats, etc). We will provide holistic or organic foods. Our dogs sometimes come to us malnourished and emaciated. They have not had proper nutrition for quite some time and it is our goal to give them what they need so they can get back to their normal weight and health.
What about veterinary fees or emergency care?
A Better Life covers all medical costs. We only ask our fosters to contact us immediately if they feel something is wrong with the dog so we can get the problem resolved. All of our dogs will be on Heartgard and Frontline Plus before entering any foster home.
What if I have to go out of town on business or vacation?
This is the beauty of fostering! Not only are you getting the satisfaction of helping an animal in need, you don’t have to be tied down to it. If you need to go out of town for just a night or for a whole month, we will find another foster parent or a place for the animal to be boarded until you return. A Better Life pays for all of the costs, if there is any, for boarding the animal while you’re away.
If I have other animals in my home, can I still be a ‘foster parent’?
Absolutely, as long as your pets are comfortable with their new short or long-term visitors.
If I have children, does that rule us out as a foster family?
Absolutely not. All of our animals are temperament tested before entering a new foster home. We will choose the correct animals for your home environment.