Why Adopt?
Each year, 6.5 million animals are surrendered to shelters in the United States. By adopting a pet, you are freeing up space in a shelter for more homeless pets as well as giving your new friend a second chance at life. Many adopted animals are already housebroken, already have their shots and are spayed/neutered. By adopting from A Better Life - Pet Rescue, you are helping decrease the number of homeless animals in Central Florida and you are giving a pet the chance at a better life.
10 Reasons You Should Adopt
You get to save a life
You’ll get a great, happy and loving animal
It’ll cost less as you will save money on the costly first vet visit, vaccinations, deworming and spay/neuter
A great way to fight against puppy mills, who put profit above the welfare of the animals they breed
You gain a new best friend who will unconditionally love you
Adoption often means you’ll get a house trained, more mature pet
Pets have been shown to be psychologically, emotionally and physically beneficial to their companions
By adopting, you make room for more animals at the shelter and your adoption fee goes towards saving more pets
Because we help match you up with your perfect pet to join your family for the rest of their lives
You will change an animal’s whole world by bringing them home
Credit to The Humane Society of the United States
The Numbers Nationally
Less than 30% of pets in U.S. homes come from shelters
Each year, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats)
80% of kittens born each year come from stray cats and ultimately end up in shelters
Number of cats and dogs entering shelters each year: 6-8 million but only 4 million get adopted
Of the 3 million cats and dogs euthanized in shelters each year, approximately 2.4 million (80%) are healthy and treatable and could have been adopted into new homes
Credit to The Humane Society of the United States and the ASPCA
The Numbers in Florida
A total of 400,498 cats and dogs were admitted to Florida shelters in 2019
Free-roaming/stray cats and dogs comprised more than half of all intakes
More than twice as many cats are euthanized compared to dogs
Shelter intake of cats remains stubbornly high
About 17% of pets entering shelters in Florida get euthanized, more cats than dogs, who could have otherwise been adopted into new homes
There are only 68 no-kill communities out of 463 in Florida
Credit to the University of Florida and Best Friends Animal Society
How Do Pets End Up in Shelters?
The top reasons people relinquish their pets:
Moving, landlord not allowing pet, too many animals in household, ost of pet maintenance, owner having personal problems, inadequate facilities, no homes available for litter mates, having no time for pet, pet illness(es), biting, allergies in family, house soiling, incompatibility with other pets
Pets find their way to shelters due to:
Previous owners dumping their pets outside, abandoning their pets in previous home or community, animal services collecting the animal, pets get out of their yards/homes without proper identification, previous owners relinquish their pet to a shelter
Credit to Pet Finder
How can you make a difference?
Donate to A Better Life - Pet Rescue to help us save more animals and find their furever homes
Foster our dogs or a cats to help our pets at A Better Life - Pet Rescue, at other local rescues or your local animal control to help pets find their furever homes
Adopt a pet from A Better Life - Pet Rescue, at other local rescues or your local animal control and save a life
Spay and Neuter your pets or feral cats to control overpopulation of pets
Research Breeds of pets that you are interesting in welcoming into your home! Look at the common energy level, grooming requirements, health conditions, temperament with children and other pets, and adult size of the pet you are interested in!
Educate your friends and family about adopting pets, responsible pet care/ownership and spread the word about our cause at A Better Life - Pet Rescue
Avoid Backyard Breeders & Puppy Mills by doing your research about where your pet is coming from if you choose not to adopt and shop for a pet instead. Avoid puppy stores since a majority of them get their dogs from puppy mills, which are known for not caring for the long-term well being of an animal. Please do extensive research about a breeders professional background, animal breeding/facility conditions, previous litters the breeder had and conditions of the breeder/parent animal.
Lastly, Do NOT welcome a pet into your home and family if you are not willing to put in the work and keep that pet in your family forever!
“Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve, nurture and care for all life.”
— James Cromwell
You might be the one rescuing a pet, but you’ll find that your pet is the one who is rescuing you