Found a Lost or Stray Pet
Thank you for taking one more pet off of the streets!
Here is our step by step guide for what to do if you find a stray/lost pet.
Once you have the animal
Check for ID tags and/or get the animal scanned at a local vet for a microchip (there is no cost for a vet to do this).
Post the pet on your social media accounts, Facebook is a great platform for this. Post on your community/neighborhood Facebook groups and NextDoor, these are often a great place to help find the original owners.
Contact your local animal services/control to ask if anyone has reported a missing pet, please do not take the pet to animal services/control. We would rather you take him/her to a rescue!
If you chose to take the pet home
If you find a connection from the pet to the owner, contact them immediately and inform them you have their pet. If they want their pet back, you must return him/her. If the owner no longer wants the pet or if you cannot get ahold of the owner using the above steps, please continue the following steps.
When you take the pet home, keep the animal separated from children and other pets in your home.
If the animal is a cat, put him/her in a small and quiet room (bathrooms work well for this). If the animal is a dog, keep him/her limited to one room in the house.
When feeding the animal, do not disturb him/her while eating.
Until the pet is more acclimated to its new environment in your home, keep toys away from the pet, do not leave the pet alone for extended periods of time and do not keep the pet in a crate.
*Please remember that this animal likely came from a stressful environment, is somewhere new and neither of your know each other yet. Let the pet have time to adjust to this brand new environment and be patient!
If you are like us and often try to rescue animals, equip yourself with these things to have in your car at all times:
Phone numbers of local a shelter, an 24-hour emergency veterinary clinic and a local rescue
Cat carrier or cardboard box
Slip lead/leash (veterinarian offices often use these if you are unfamiliar with them)
Towel/blanket, water bowls and water
Strong-smelling non-perishable foods, such as canned tuna, dried liver or treats
An animal first-aid kit
We want to help you find a forever home for this pet. Fill our Rehome form so we can help!
*We need the assistance with you becoming a foster or you helping us find a foster home to place the pet into. If we do not have available foster homes and you are not available to foster either, we will connect you with the right resources to relieve you of the pet and help the pet find a good home. Please do not let the pet back outside and alone!
Have a question you’d like to contact us about?