Special Thanks
We would like to thank the following groups and individuals who have helped us with our rescue. Our adoptions would not be possible without the following:
The Disney Community, Vineland Animal Hospital, all of our volunteers, foster families, donors, and all of our adopting families who open their homes and hearts to our rescue pets.
To all of the animals we rescue – who have taught us to respect, love and cherish every animal who come in and out of our lives.
If only for a moment, these animals have taught us humility, grace and understanding.
One of our wonderful ongoing supporters lost their beloved dog recently. Shomer had an amazing spirit. His humans fostered many dogs over the years and he was always such a great foster brother to them. In honor of her wonderful Shomer, we have founded The Shomer Fund here at A Better Life – Pet Rescue. This fund is designed to help dogs (and cats) like Shomer who have exhausted their time at shelters and who, without our help, would face certain death.
If you would like to help dogs and cats like Shomer, please donate and make sure you add that it is for The Shomer Fund.

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